Stomach Liposuctin Cost and Prices - Westlake Village | Thousand Oaks

Stomach Liposuction Cost and Specials

HD liposuction;
  • Get Your Summer Body Now!
  • Lose Fat in one session
  • No General Anesthesia
  • Quick Recovery
  • Get back to work in 2-3 days
  • Limited Time Offer
  • Fat Transfer and Sculpting Available

Stomach Liposuction
Special Pricing

$750 Off Special

Quick Recovery

Back To Work in 
2-3 days

No General Anesthesia

Highest Fat Transfer Survivability

Quick Recovery Liposuction of the Stomach

Stomach or belly fat liposuction

Liposuction of the abdomen (stomach or belly fat) is a very safe procedure.   It is extremely safer to have the procedure performed with no general anesthesia.   At NewSkin Laser Center, we perform stomach liposuction under local anesthesia called tumescent liposuction.  The tumescent method of stomach liposuction involves filling the area between the skin and the abdominal cavity with a mixture of saline, lidocaine, epinephrine, and sodium bicarbonate as a buffer. This solution will allow the physician to suction the fat without pain due to local anesthesia.   This method also allows the physician to sculpt the body and also to etch the abdomen for a six-pack effect.   This is sometimes called lipo-sculpture. The epinephrine acts as a vasoconstrictor, constricting blood vessels in the area to reduce bruising and blood loss. 

This allows surgeons to perform lipouction without putting patients to sleep, and reduces the risks that come with general anesthesia, making the procedure safer overall. The tumescent method with local anesthesia is what we use here at NewSkin Laser Center.

At NewSkin Laser Center, located in Simi Valley and Northridge, we are offering specials on stomach liposuction using the latest technology of HD vibration assisted liposuction. We are experienced physicians with fat transfer and body etching and sculpting as well. please call us for a free consultation. 

      Simi Valley 805-526-3365 Or Northridge 818-280-0700

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